If thinning hair or a receding hairline is causing you discomfort or making it difficult to relax and enjoy yourself in social situations, it’s time to act. The licensed and certified professionals at Premier Image Cosmetic and Laser Surgery in Atlanta, GA can help you schedule an appointment to start your FUE sessions to move hair follicles from the back of your scalp to the areas where they are missing or thinning away.
This procedure, can be done under a mild or local anesthetic. If your donor site is covered by longer hair on the back of your head, you will likely be able to do this in complete privacy.

What is FUE?
Follicular Unit Extraction is a hair transplant procedure of moving individual hair follicles from the back of your head to areas where your hair is thinning or the hairline is receding. This process, known as FUE, doesn’t require you to have strips of hair moved surgically from one section to another section of your scalp. Thus, the risk of infection and scarring is greatly reduced.

Candidates for FUE
Men and women struggling with thinning hair are good candidates for FUE. If you’re fully bald, the process may not be effective for you. Additionally, as this process uses hair follicles from the back of your head to fill in at your hairline, the hair health at the back must be strong.

FUE Recovery and Aftercare
The physician and technicians will review the site after the treatment, clean it, and may apply a protective dressing. You will be given instructions on how to treat the site of new hair growth, any shampoos to use, and how to keep it clean. You’ve had no incisions, so there will be no sutures to work around or have removed.
How FUE Hair Transplant is Done
Before your treatment, you may be encouraged to cut your hair short in the back only. You’ll receive either a local or a light anesthetic first, then the follicles will be removed individually and put along the front of the hairline. You won’t feel any of this, though there may be some tenderness as the anesthetic wears off.
You will need to lie face down for the first part of the procedure so the healthy hair follicles can be harvested. You’ll be asked to sit up for the final step, implantation of the hair follicles at the hairline.
How Much Does FUE Cost?
This procedure can run from $5,000 to $15,000, depending on where you have it done. The average cost runs at around $9,700.00. The price range depends on the number of grafts you have to have removed and implanted. The FUE method is more expensive than the surgical method of hair transplantation, but it is much less invasive and there is little risk of the linear scar common to surgical hair transplantation methods.
FUE Side Effects & Risks
As with any procedure involving anesthesia, there is a risk of reaction. While rare, there is also the risk of infection. It’s critical that you follow all instructions given to you about keeping both the donor and the implantation site clean and protected to avoid any infection. The site where the transplanted hair is plugged in may discolor or swell. You may experience some tenderness, but if you notice bleeding, swelling, or fever, call your doctor at once.
If you notice any bleeding, we recommend firm pressure (no rubbing allowed) on either the donation or the implant site. If you need pain medication, please use the prescription provided and never ibuprofen. We advise FUE hair transplant patients to stay away from alcohol following the procedure.
You will have been given a pressure dressing for the donation site. This must remain in place for 24 hours after the procedure. You will have been given a recommended ointment for the donation site to avoid infection.
On the donation site, keep cool compresses over the area to avoid swelling and eye discoloration. You will need to sleep as flat as possible to reduce the risk of swelling. If you tend to roll around a lot, try putting pillows or bolsters around your body to help you stay flat and still for the first 24 hours at least.
FUE is designed to fill in a receding hairline. For those who are completely bald, this procedure may not be the best option.
If your hair loss is extreme, the process of harvesting and implanting follicles may take several sessions to be successful.
Our FUE hair transplant cosmetic surgeon in Sandy Springs can help you determine the best treatment path to serve your needs and expectations.
It’s probably not a good idea to go out into the world too quickly. You’ll be wearing a pressure bandage, you’ll need to ice the donation site, and you may be coming out of light anesthesia.
Take a few days for recovery time to allow your new hair to take root and heal properly before going back out into the world. Put your safety and comfort first and take a break from your daily routine until you can stop icing and the pressure bandage can be left off.
Contact Premier Image Today
If thinning hair is getting in the way of your confidence, it’s time to act. Schedule a FUE Hair Transplant consultation today with the professionals at Premier Image Cosmetic and Laser Surgery. We’re here to help you achieve your aesthetic goals with our various hair restoration options.
Call us at (770) 457-6303 for more information about scheduling a FUE appointment in the Sandy Springs area of Atlanta, or fill out our contact form.
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