QT Facelift and Necklift
Doctor DeJoseph has extensive experience performing face lifting procedures, including the Deep Plane Facelift, performing over 200 facelifts and over 2500 facial procedures per year.
QT Mini-Facelift
The “QT Lift™” is unique to all mini facelift procedures, as it incorporates the same technique as the traditional full facelift. The “QT Lift™” addresses the face using minimal incisions.

QT Mini-Necklift
The appearance of the neck can change over time due to a variety of factors. While age is often a common culprit, other factors like excess sun exposure and weight fluctuations can alter the appearance of the neck.
Brow lift
A brow lift is a surgical procedure that is performed to lift and elevate the brow, returning it to a more youthful position.
Chin Augmentation
A chin augmentation can lead to jawling definition, which can define a patient’s facial features and help them appear more expressive.
Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)
Blepharoplasty, also known as cosmetic eyelid surgery, is a facial plastic surgery procedure that is performed to revitalize the eye area.
Injectables and Fillers
Dr. DeJoseph is pleased to offer a wide range of outstanding, FDA-approved fillers for skin rejuvenation and frown line reduction in Atlanta, Georgia.
Immediate On Table Results
Dr. DeJoseph, a revered specialist in Sandy Springs, is transforming lives with ‘Immediate On Table Results’, a groundbreaking technique ensuring instant, visible improvements during surgical procedures.
Cosmetic ear surgery does not impact the function of the ears or a patient’s hearing in any way. Only the exterior portion, or outer ear, is affected.
Radiesse Injection Hand Rejuvenation
The second area that shows signs of aging or volume loss is the hands. After we meet someone and make eye contact, we often shake their hand, so this is the next part of the person we see.
VUE Procedure
The VUE procedure is non-surgical, minimally-invasive, and is typically completed in as little as 20 minutes. A fine needle is used to inject a soft tissue filler into the tear troughs, instantly smoothing and rejuvenating the area.