You may have seen Exilis™ on TV on shows like Dr. Oz, Fox News, and Today with Kathie Lee & Hoda. Everyone has been talking about Exilis™ because the treatment really works!
Premier Image Cosmetic & Laser Surgery is happy to bring this exciting new technology to their practice. Exilis™ works by delivering radiofrequency (RF) energy for non-surgical body contouring and skin tightening. Our Atlanta and surrounding area patients are discovering how well this treatment works for firming up the skin on their face, neck, and décolletagé. There is no surgery involved, no bruising or swelling, and you can go right back to your normal activities immediately after the procedure.
Tissue Tightening & Body Shaping
As people age, the face begins to lose collagen and elastin which contribute to sagging facial features, as well as loose, baggy skin on the stomach, flanks and back areas. The loss of facial volume and elasticity also lead to the formation of wrinkles, lines, and folds.
Dr. Louis DeJoseph at Premier Image Cosmetic & Laser Surgery understands that some patients would prefer an alternative to a face lift. With Exilis™ they can achieve excellent skin tightening, firming and slimming just by undergoing four to five Exilis™ painless treatments.
How Does Exilis™ Work?
During an Exilis™ treatment, precisely controlled radiofrequency (RF) energy is used to heat the deeper layers of skin. The procedure is performed by licensed aestheticians who have been specially trained on the procedure. The radiofrequency energy harmlessly heats connective tissue and fat beneath your skin surface, while simultaneously cooling your skin surface to prevent burns. Heat delivered below the skin surface stimulates a healing response that induces collagen production, contractions, and over the course of weeks, skin tightening as well as improves the texture of the skin.
Treatments are performed in the office and each procedure takes approximately 15-30 minutes depending upon the size of the area. The treatment will be spaced out over 1 to 2-week intervals. You will begin seeing improvement in body contouring and skin tightening after only one or two treatments. Optimal results will occur after 4 to 6 treatments, and the number of treatments needed depends on your skin condition and thickness.
What Kind of Results Can You Expect from Exilis?
Everyone is different, but in general, most people begin to see a measurable difference after only one to two visits and see excellent results after only four to six treatment sessions. Exilis™ results are long-lasting, and though you may see immediate results, maximum results are experienced incrementally over three to six months following the last treatment. Exilis™ will probably not give you the same results as a QT Lift™, but it is an excellent non-surgical alternative. Your skin will be tightened; wrinkles reduced and areas of fat removed from under the chin and other areas of the face.
Exilis™ studies have shown those who had the treatment 2 years ago have maintained their results.
Patient Reviews
Schedule an Exilis™ Complimentary Consultation
If you really want to know if Exilis™ is right for you, schedule a complimentary consultation. During the consultation, you will want to explain the level of skin improvement and shaping you hope to achieve. You will undergo a skin analysis and medical history evaluation. Photographs may be taken for reference to compare your results.
Call now to schedule your complimentary consultation – (770) 457-6303.