During the aging process, skin of the face and body reacts similarly to the constant downward pull of gravity, the breakdown of proteins in the skin, and other factors like genetics or substantial weight loss. As the skin hangs loosely on the body, fat deposits may form in irregular patterns below, causing poor contour. When these characteristics affect the buttocks, the results are typically an unflattering aesthetic. In more recent years, more emphasis has been placed on both women’s and men’s buttocks, so people are especially aware of changes to this feature and wish to correct these aesthetic issues when they occur. A rejuvenating cosmetic surgery known as a butt lift is performed at Premier Image Cosmetic & Laser Surgery of Atlanta, GA to elevate the backside, tighten loose skin, and improve overall contour. We also offer an African-American specific lift.

What is Butt Lift?
Also called buttock lift, butt lift surgery is performed to improve and rejuvenate the look of a patient’s buttocks. During surgery, the doctor creates incisions on the hips so he can access the tissues of the buttocks. Extra skin is trimmed away, and some fat may be removed during this process to shape and contour the area. Sutures are used to close the incision, and all scars created by the surgery are generally hidden by the patient’s underwear band.

Butt Lift Surgery
The butt lift is performed in an outpatient surgical clinic or hospital setting under general anesthesia. It typically takes about two or three hours for the surgeon to operate on the buttocks, creating a symmetrical backside. Your surgeon will generally create an incision that spans from one hip, and along the lower back, to the other hip. After healing, the mark is easily hidden by underwear or other clothing. The extra skin below the incision line is lifted and excess skin and fat are removed. The two sides of the suture line are secured together with stitches, creating firmer and properly contoured buttocks.
The Difference between a Butt Lift and a Brazilian Butt Lift
The butt lift is a surgical procedure performed by a plastic surgeon that repositions the tissue of the buttocks higher by eliminating extra skin that detracts from its natural shape. There will be some scarring that can be hidden by undergarments and clothing. The results are permanent, though the tissues of the buttocks will continue to age, and a repeat procedure may be necessary in a patient’s later years.
A Brazilian butt lift is performed by a plastic surgeon or other aesthetic medicine professional as a minimally-invasive procedure. A patient’s own fat is extracted from an area of excess, either through a large syringe or a small liposuction tube. The fat is then treated so the fat cells are separated from other biomaterials, like blood, and injected into the buttocks. The extra fat enhances the size and shape of the buttocks and can offer minor lifting by strategically injecting the fat higher on each cheek.
Butt lift and Brazilian butt lift are performed for two different reasons, and one is not a substitute for the other. However, the treatments can be performed in conjunction to reach a patient’s desired aesthetic. Your surgeon will inform patients if the two treatments can be combined during butt lift surgery.
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Complementary Procedures to Butt Lift
It is common for patients to notice excess skin in other areas of the body when requesting a butt lift. Body lifting procedures are described below. Each of these procedures may be performed alone, though many are part of a series of body-transforming procedures.
Breast Lift (Mastopexy)
Women may find that their breasts sag and have lost their youthful contouring after breastfeeding, losing a substantial amount of weight, or as they grow older. Men can also experience sagging tissues of the chest. In these cases, breast lift surgery may be the best option to create the desired shape of the chest.
Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
Post-pregnancy women and both men and women who have lost a lot of weight may require a restoration and tightening of the abdomen. Tummy tuck surgery addresses the skin from below the breasts/chest to the waistline, as well as excess fat, and loose separated muscle structures. When the abdomen expands, the muscles and skin can stretch beyond capacity, and require surgery to re-contour the region.
Belt Lipectomy
Belt lift is performed when the only concern of the abdomen is loose skin, and not the muscle and fat underneath. Incisions are created from the abdomen to the sides so the entire front midsection can be addressed.
Back Lift
Surgeries like abdominoplasty and belt lipectomy are intended to eliminate tissues on the front of the body, though there is a procedure that is designed to treat the back: back lift surgery or bra line back lift. During the procedure, an incision is created in the back and loose skin is removed.
Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)
Both men and women might notice that after losing a lot of weight, their upper arms appear flabby and less taut than they were during their youth. Other factors that can lead to loose skin of the upper arms include aging and sun damage. Both of these processes cause the breakdown of essential skin proteins that help keep it firm and youthful. Through arm lift surgery, patients feel more confident and more comfortable with their newly sculpted arms.
Thigh Lift (Thighplasty)
The thighs may contain excess skin after extreme weight loss, or as the natural result of aging skin. No amount of exercise can tighten the skin, and thigh lift surgery is a great solution for this aesthetic concern.
Lower Body Lift
As the name of the series of procedures implies, a lower body lift is a combination of procedures performed to tighten different parts of the lower body, generally the lower abdomen, hips, thighs, and buttocks. During a single surgery, the appearance of a patient’s lower body can be dramatically improved.
Butt Lift Consultation
Patients who schedule a surgical consultation at Premier Image to discuss buttock lift should expect a thorough appointment. The doctor will learn about each patient’s medical history and assess their current health to assess candidacy. The patient will also have an exam specific to his or her own needs, and the skin’s elasticity will be tested. Your surgeon will ask questions about a patient’s lifestyle and habits to ensure the best results. The Premier Image team will photograph the buttocks to capture a “before” photograph and will also photograph the area for the “after” result from the surgery, should the patient move forward with the procedure. During the consultation, your surgeon will help you determine if other procedures should be combined with a butt lift. Patients should ask any questions they may have during the consultation.
The Butt Lift Recovery
After the procedure, patients will be discharged to return home. Soon after surgery, medical staff will assist butt lift patients with walking to help them avoid certain complications. There will be some pain and discomfort, but medications will help to alleviate these post-procedure sensations. The doctor may place drains at the surgery site to eliminate excess fluid from the body and to help prevent swelling. These often stay in place up for to three weeks after butt lift surgery and will require regular at-home care. Your surgeon may prescribe certain medications, including an antibiotic, anticoagulant, and pain medications.
Patients may also be fitted with a special garment to wear to support the new shape of the buttocks and to prevent fluid from accumulating at the surgery site. Premier Image can also help butt lift patients care for their scar with the use of silicone sheeting, prescription-grade topical creams, and proper massage techniques.
Patients are usually advised to limit their activities in the beginning to low-level physical activity, gradually increasing their daily movements. Because the incision line spans the entire lower back, patients should take care that movements do not stress this area.
Buttock Lift FAQs
Weight gain can compromise the results of a butt lift. Butt lift patients are encouraged to maintain their weight and work out regularly to ensure their surgical results are long-lasting. Patients may also opt to utilize cosmetic procedures to maintain the look of the butt through Brazilian butt lift/autologous fat injections.
Patients undergo butt lift surgery to eliminate excess skin and fat from the butt and to feel more confident about this feature of their body. Butt lift can elevate saggy buttocks and enhance the overall form. Because the butt is near the middle of the body, it is noticeable to others and when properly contoured, it can enhance one’s looks.
Butt lift surgery is designed for both women and men to restore the look of the buttocks. The doctors at Premier Image can help sculpt buttocks that suit each patient’s needs.
Each patient’s needs vary, but often, a Brazilian butt lift can add the proper volume to the buttocks while other tissues are lifted. There are a number of other body-lifting procedures available, but they should be performed as needed for a patient’s individual needs and goals.
Schedule Today
Contact Premier Image Cosmetic and Laser Surgery at (770) 457-6303 to book a private complimentary consultation in Atlanta, GA today.