Commonly, individuals looking into liposuction are seeking slimming of larger parts of their body, including the abdomen and thighs. Most don’t think about applying liposuction techniques to the face, but under the guidance of board-certified surgeon Dr. Louis M. DeJoseph, facial liposuction can offer many incredible benefits. As a highly experienced, board-certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. DeJoseph has an expert eye for refining the tone of the face and contouring areas where fat accumulation is common. In addition, combining facial liposuction or a neck lift with other popular procedures, like a facelift or neck lift, can enhance your results, improve your appearance, and reduce your perceived age.

- Looking Younger After Facial Liposuction
- Facial Liposuction Has Minimal Side Effects
- Recovery Time is Quick with Facial Liposuction
- No Scarring from Facial Liposuction Procedure
- Enhancing Surgical Results with Facial Liposuction
- Facial liposuction Removes Fat Cells Completely
- Improving Your Profile With Facial Liposuction
- Plan a Facial Liposuction Surgery Today
Looking Younger After Facial Liposuction
One of the first signs of aging to show up around the face and neck area is an excess of fat cells. Patients as young as their 40s are often unhappy with the bloated, puffy look over their chins, jaws, and necks. Turkey neck, double chins, jowls, and other unwanted effects can be caused by shifting fat cells pulled downward by gravity. While some cases may require other surgical interventions beyond liposuction, trimming away the facial fat from the lower face can reduce your perceived age significantly.
Removing facial fat from the lower face can allow the area to appear smoother and more youthful. By slimming out this area, many male and female patients are pleased with the years that seem to be erased along with those unwanted fat cells. Consult with Dr. DeJoseph to learn whether submental liposuction can help you achieve your desired results alone or when paired with another surgical procedure. Anti-aging can be achieved under the guidance of an expert facial cosmetic surgeon like Dr. DeJoseph.
Facial Liposuction Has Minimal Side Effects
The most common side effects are temporary swelling, bruising, and numbness in the treated area. These symptoms usually resolve within a few weeks of the procedure. Other rarer side effects may include infection, scarring, and nerve damage. However, these risks can be minimized by following Dr. DeJoseph’s post-operative instructions carefully and attending all follow-up appointments as scheduled.
Recovery Time is Quick with Facial Liposuction
Facial liposuction recovery tends to be quick and easy. Most patients can return to their normal activities within a couple of weeks with improved facial contour and definition. The majority of patients experience minimal discomfort during the recovery period, allowing them to enjoy their contoured appearance without having to take too much time off from work or other activities. With proper aftercare instructions from Dr. DeJoseph, most patients can expect a full recovery in just a couple of weeks.
No Scarring from Facial Liposuction Procedure
Facial liposuction is an effective procedure for those looking to reduce fat in the face without any scarring. This non-invasive method of fat removal is a great option for individuals who are not ideal candidates for more invasive facial rejuvenation procedures. When performed by a skilled surgeon like Dr. Louis M. DeJoseph, submental liposuction can be an effective and safe way to achieve desired results with minimal downtime.
The fat removal process involves using small cannulas to suction away excess fat from the face, leaving behind no visible scarring or other signs of invasive skin treatments. With this minimally invasive method, patients can enjoy a smoother and more youthful appearance without having to worry about any long-term effects on their skin.
Enhancing Surgical Results with Facial Liposuction
One of the most common ways facial plastic surgeons apply facial liposuction techniques is as a complement to other surgical interventions. Submental liposuction can improve facelifts, neck lifts, chin liposuction even facial injections. Fatty deposits around the lower portion of the face are just one of the effects of skin aging and its damaging results. Over time, loose skin will appear, and the tissues will sag, leading to a droopy lower facial area that can dramatically increase how old you appear.
Facelift surgery is one of the most popular strategies for anti-aging, both for men and women alike. During a facial rejuvenation surgery, Dr. DeJoseph will trim away excess fat, lift and tighten the underlying supportive tissues of the mid and lower face, and then lay the skin more naturally to create a youthful appearance with improved tone and texture. Many patients will find that excess fat cells around the chin, jaw, and neck will impede these results, and that’s when submental liposuction can be most helpful. During your consultation for a facelift or other facial cosmetic surgery, Dr. DeJoseph will talk about his recommendations to achieve your desired results, which may include submental liposuction to permanently remove fat cells and slim the lower portion of the face.

Facial liposuction Removes Fat Cells Completely
Facial liposuction is an effective and safe way to permanently remove fat cells from the face. Unlike other facial rejuvenation procedures, this minimally invasive method of fat removal does not leave behind any visible scarring or other signs of treatment. With the help of small cannulas, Dr. DeJoseph can suction away excess fat from the face, leaving behind a smoother and more youthful appearance without having to worry about any long-term effects on the skin. The best part is that once the surgeon removes the fat cells, they are gone for good! This means that patients can enjoy their contoured appearance without having to worry about the fat returning in the future.

Improving Your Profile With Facial Liposuction
Your facial profile is an important aspect of your appearance, especially in today’s visual world, where photographs, social media, and video conferencing make us constantly visible to one another. A facial profile can convey strength and leadership if you have a strong jaw or prominent chin. It can make you appear more youthful if it is trimmed and toned. It can just as easily make you convey perceptions you don’t want if you carry excess fat around the lower parts of your face. An uneven, lumpy, or sagging profile increases your apparent age, makes you look tired, and can hide some of your best features, especially that strong chin.
When Dr. DeJoseph meets with you for a consultation, he will likely discuss your submental liposuction and how it could impact your profile. Trimming away fat cells from the chin and neck will allow those strong features to shine through and balance your entire appearance. A trim and contoured chin, neck, and jaw could enhance the appearance of your cheekbones or allow others to notice your best features once more. Look younger, more toned, and even more confident by “cleaning up” your profile with facial liposuction by Dr. DeJoseph.
Plan a Facial Liposuction Surgery Today
At Premier Image Cosmetic & Laser Surgery, Dr. Louis M. DeJoseph will help you to achieve your very best results with submental liposuction, either in tandem with another surgery or as a stand-alone procedure. Board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. DeJoseph strives for a strong relationship with each and every patient, creating a comfortable, relaxed environment during the consultation process. In September 2012, Dr. DeJoseph brought his credentials, experience, and specialty training in facial plastic and reconstruction surgery to Premier Image Cosmetic & Laser Surgery. His peers have highly recognized him as a leader and an innovator. As an active medical staff member at four outstanding hospitals, Dr. DeJoseph also volunteers his time for the “FACE to FACE” program in Atlanta, which provides restorative surgery for battered women and victims of domestic violence.
To meet with board-certified facial plastic surgeon Dr. DeJoseph, contact Premier Image Cosmetic & Laser Surgery today and book your consultation. Choose from two conveniently located clinics to schedule your own appointment. Call (770) 457-6303 for an appointment at 6085 Barfield Rd NE #100, Sandy Springs, Georgia.